Monday, December 15, 2014

My last Christmas with all my ducks in a row! I don't know if I'm happy or sad yet. I'll let you know when I know. Jacob will be leaving on his mission soon. This has been the year of trials for us. I shouldn't fool you every year has been hard, this year harder than others though. I made $7, 000 less than last year. Yuck! If Jason hadn't switched jobs without the  raise in pay it would have been super hard.  I'm so thankful for all the blessing I do have, such as the this job switch for Jason. My beautiful children my handsome husband who looks younger than me and my small but cozy house, on a super large lot. Someday Karen Someday, I can add on or build bigger.

Lets see we did a lot this year in spite of the tight funds. We went to Pittsburgh and went to a Pirate game. We went to West Virginia for a family reunion, and sent two of our kids to Florida. Mom and Dad came for a visit as did my sister and her husband.  It was fun. I had a lot of time as there were few day care kids, and yet I still got nothing done. It couldn't be me could it?!

Things that will mark this year...
  • Jason hit his one year mark at his new job.
  • I was called as Primary President, but not released from Seminary.
  •  Jacob's mission call and soon to be and departure, 
  •   John received  an all county Soccer award
  •  James went to youth conference and all the girls loved him.
  •  Kaitlynn is learning her letters and numbers, it is still hard  but she is greatly motivated, oh she is taking dance and , loves it.
  •   The Christmas Tree that fell 
  • We got two more cats ( Princess hates them, who would a thunk it?)
  •  My Dad had a Heart attack ( He is greatly recovered) after his trip. He couldn't handle all the fun.  
  • And we gave up on the garden... I always have such High hope for it. I'm not a very good motivator and I can never do it alone. It isn't like the west where you only get weeds where people water. It rains every where here, every day. Ugh my weeds were taller than me by the end of Summer! Some day Karen, some day, when life slows down.  I don't know how my parents did it.
O.K. in spite of making half of what I made last year, I think we had a pretty good year. I'm indeed blessed more than I can state or even see. Thank you Heavenly Father for keeping our heads over water. Thank you for blessing our family, and thank you for this life I have to grow and learn.
Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year. May next year bring only blessings!